SmartGuardian vs Nursing Home Costs

A SmartGuardian installation involves the professional installation, calibration and setup of our cutting edge sensors, placed at optimum locations throughout the home. The sensors remain the property of SmartSpace and are rented via a monthly fee (capped at €119), which also covers adhoc reprogramming to meet evolving needs. The upfront installation charge also covers the professional removal of the system when no longer needed.

A typical SmartGuardian installation involves 5 zones - Kitchen, Living Room, Hall, Bathroom, Bedroom - such as Mary's installation which can be seen here.

In this case, the upfront cost of the SmartGuardian system was roughly equivalent to 1 week in an Irish nursing home, or €1,800 coupled with the monthly rental of €119.

Year 1 SmartGuardian costs are equivalent to less than 2 weeks* in a nursing home whilst Year 2 costs drop to less than 1 week* in a nursing home. Costs include VAT.

Note: You may only require SmartGuardian protection initially in only one or two rooms like the bathroom or bedroom. Please contact us to discuss options and prices.

*SmartGuardian helps your loved ones stay in their own homes for longer, saving you thousands in nursing home fees each month, not to mention the emotional stress. The average cost of an Irish nursing home is €6,803 per month. (Irish Times 2021).

We are currently offering SmartGuardian installations in Dublin, Wicklow and Kildare.

book a consultation or call 087 057 0000