



24/7 Fall Detection (Without Wearables)

Emergency Communication

Abnormal Behaviour Alerts

Fall Prevention

Easy Social Communication

here is how we helped mary and her family


We equipped Mary's home with SmartGuardian (Click For Details), a cutting-edge fall detection system, developed for care homes. Advanced sensors monitor her movements without requiring any wearable devices. If Mary were to fall, the system would instantly detect it and alert her family.

Be There In Times Of Need. Upon receipt of a fall alert, Mary's daughter can remotely talk to her from within the same room as the fall, allowing her to assess the situation and provide priceless comfort and guidance to Mary until help arrives.

Additionally, SmartGuardian also monitors for unusual activity patterns, such as changes in sleep patterns or mobility, providing early indications of potential health issues and/or precursors to a fall. This proactive monitoring allows for timely intervention and support.

Mary's family have peace of mind knowing that she's safe and protected 24/7, even when they can't be there.


Outside of falls, Mary can also ask for assistance by simply saying "Help!" from anywhere in the home alerts and calls her family for immediate assistance.

She can also call her family and friends for a chat with a simple voice command like "Call John", ensuring easy and reliable communication.

For added convenience, we installed a smart screen in the Living Room. Seeing her family provides priceless connection and well being. Mary's family can also 'drop-in' for a chat simply by saying "Call Mum" without any action required from Mary.


Peace Of Mind Updates: We worked with Mary's family to provide both standard and bespoke alerts triggered by activity or inactivity, like "Mum's Up and About!" - to know she has started her day, or "Haven't Seen Mum Downstairs Yet!" - to get a nudge to check in with her.

We also trained Mary's family in how to set up spoken Medication Reminders and Appointment Reminders.

book your complementary consultation

Your peace of mind starts with a complementary consultation / demonstration to explore how we can help your family.

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learn how we helped other clients

LEARN how we helped Anne
LEARN how we helped Joe