Your Questions Answered


I am worried about an aging parent living alone, how can SmartGuardian help?

SmartGuardian uses the latest technology to keep your parent safe in their home WITHOUT needing them to wear a device, which studies confirm are either not worn, not charged, are out of reach or are consciously (or unconsciously) not activated in 80% of emergencies.

  • Discreet monitoring: SmartGuardian uses radar sensing to detect life threatening falls & unusual activity in your parent's home, so you can get alerts if something seems off.
  • Stay connected: A built-in smart voice assistant lets you check in on your parent with a simple voice command or allows them to call for help easily.


Who is SmartGuardian for?

SmartGuardian is perfect for loved ones who:

  • Live alone & might need some extra help staying safe.
  • Have a history of falls or are at risk of falling.
  • Manage health conditions that require regular monitoring.
  • Are recovering from a hospital stay & need extra support at home.



What insights & alerts can SmartGuardian provide me?

SmartGuardian can help you monitor their well-being & catch potential issues early on. Here's how:

  • Daily routines: See if your parent is waking up & going to bed at their usual times & if they're getting around the house safely (avoiding stairs or tripping hazards).
  • Health concerns: SmartGuardian can detect changes in activity levels that might indicate illness, dehydration, or even a life threatening fall.
  • Peace of mind: Get alerts if doors are left open, the temperature gets too hot or cold, or there's a water leak, so you can take action quickly.

Real-life examples:

  • Get an alert if your parent hasn't gotten out of bed by their usual time. You could call & check in, or have a neighbour pop by.
  • Frequent bathroom trips at night could be a sign of a urinary tract infection. SmartGuardian can help you identify this pattern so you can encourage a doctor visit.


How To Get Started with SmartGuardian?

We understand you might be concerned about setting up new technology in your parent's home. Here's what to expect with the SmartGuardian process:




How much does SmartGuardian cost?

Our mission is to make safe aging at home the safe, affordable & accessible choice when compared to the emotional & financial cost of moving into a care facility. SmartGuardian is accessed by a one-off installation & setup cost plus a monthly rental subscription fee.

For a typical home, the combined installation & rental cost for the 1st year is circa €2,800 (€1,600 + €100 per month), equivalent to the cost of less than 2 weeks in an Irish care facility & only 4 days equivalent for each full year of peace of mind thereafter. Note: this is a sample cost, the exact cost of any installation will depend on a variety of factors.

There are no minimum contracts or penalty clauses - just a rolling month-to-month subscription that ensures you have the support you need, when you need it.



What if I want to cancel the service?

We offer a month-to-month service, so you can continue using it for as long as it benefits your family. If your situation changes, simply call us to cancel anytime.



I share caregiving responsibility with other family members. Is there an extra charge for additional users?

You can add up to 2 additional caregivers to receive SMS emergency alerts & calls, all at no extra charge. This way, everyone can stay informed & contribute to your parent's well-being.



What if my loved one has pets?

Great news! SmartGuardian works well for most pet owners. Our sensors are designed to pick up human activity, so your parent's cat or dog shouldn't set off any false alarms. However, if you have a very large or active pet, it's always a good idea to chat with us first. We can answer any questions you have & make sure SmartGuardian is the purr-fect fit for your family's needs.



How do you respect my loved one's privacy?

  • No Cameras (Optional in Living Room): SmartGuardian respects your parent's privacy. There are no cameras in the system, unless you request one specifically for video calls in the living room.
  • No Video Surveillance: Your parent can maintain their privacy with no video surveillance.
  • No GPS Tracking: SmartGuardian doesn't track your parent's location.
  • Secure Data: SmartGuardian prioritises security. No personally-identifiable information is ever transmitted over the internet during operation.

You & your parent can feel confident that SmartGuardian provides peace of mind without compromising privacy.



How do I maintain SmartGuardian?

Once installed & personalised, SmartGuardian is virtually maintenance free. The sensors / devices are powered by mains power. 


What happens if my loved one's home loses power or internet?

Even power cuts won't disrupt your peace of mind. SmartGuardian will notify you if the power or internet goes down at your loved one's home. The system will automatically restart & resume monitoring once everything is back up & runningh, so there is nothing for you or your loved one to worry about.


My loved one has a part time paid caregiver. Can I still use SmartGuardian?

Absolutely ! Many SmartGuardian families have a part-time caregiver for their loved one. SmartGuardian works perfectly alongside in-home care to provide an extra layer of security & peace of mind, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Think of it as an extra set of eyes watching over your parent when your caregiver isn't there.


More than one person lives in the home. Can I use SmartGuardian?

SmartGuardian is primarily designed for loved ones living alone. However, we understand there might be situations where your parent shares a home with another adult, perhaps a partner or roommate.

If that is the case, give us a call ! We would be happy to discuss your specific needs & see if SmartGuardian can still be a good fit for your family. Our feiendly team can answer any questions you have about how the system works in a multi-person household.


My loved one has a personal emergency response button (PERS) pendant or bracelet. Can we use SmartGuardian too? 

SmartGuardian can absolutely work alongside a PERS button to provide an extra layer of security & peace of mind. Here's why:

  • Automatic Monitoring: Unlike a PERS button, which requires your parent to remember to push it during an emergency, SmartGuardian is always on. It can detect falls & unusual activity without any action from your parent.

  • Peace of Mind for You: Even if your parent can't reach their button, or aren't aware of an emergency, SmartGuardian can still alert you so you can check in or call for help.

Think of SmartGuardian as an extra set of eyes watching over your parent, giving you peace of mind & them the independence they cherish. Call us today to learn more about how SmartGuardian can complement your parent's existing safety system!



What are SmartGuardian Insights & what can I do with the information?

SmartGuardian goes beyond just alerts. With our easy-to-use app, you can access powerful SmartGuardian Insights. This feature provides you with:

  • Easy-to-understand reports: See your parent's daily activity levels, routines, & sleep patterns in clear charts & graphs.
  • Early detection of changes: SmartGuardian Insights can help you identify subtle changes in your parent's behavior that might be early signs of health concerns.
  • Doctor visits made easier: Share these reports with your parent's doctor to provide them with a more objective & complete picture of their well-being.

SmartGuardian Insights are like having a health coach for your parent, helping you stay informed & proactive about their well-being.



How does SmartGuardian help cognitive decline & dementia issues?

If you're concerned about your parent's memory or thinking, SmartGuardian can be a valuable tool. It can help you monitor for signs of cognitive decline, such as:

  • Changes in sleep patterns: Wandering at night or trouble sleeping could be a sign of sundowning syndrome.
  • Unusual activity: SmartGuardian can detect things like pacing, which can be a sign of anxiety or confusion.
  • Changes in daily routines: Forgetting to eat, changes in bathroom habits, or not following their usual routine could all be red flags.

Early detection is key

By monitoring these changes, you can identify potential issues early & get your parent the help they need. SmartGuardian is not a replacement for medical advice, but it can provide valuable insights to share with your parent's doctor.

Peace of mind for you & your loved one

SmartGuardian can give you peace of mind knowing you're staying informed about your parent's well-being, even when you can't be there. It can also help your parent maintain their independence for as long as possible.


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